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Lawn, Tree and Scrub Services

It is standard practice for maintenance work to the front and back yard to be completed by the same contractor who performed the junk clearance and the clean up. However, make sure you list these services in a separate section in any quotation you generate. You can then offer a package price for the provision of all the services. The services that you will provide as part of maintaining the garden, yard, and landscaping may be as follows:

Maintaining grass areas. This will include cutting the lawn, removing any weeds, trimming the edge of the lawn, removing any debris, sweeping all paved areas, and removing clippings and garden waste. These activities are included in the permitted HUD cost for initial and subsequent work.

In some areas, there may be a homeowners’ association that is responsible for maintaining the area outside the property. Check in advance if this is the case to save yourself from performing unnecessary work.


The initial cut will usually be provided shortly after the bank has acquired the property and maintenance will be completed according to a pre-agreed schedule thereafter. This is generally every two weeks.



HUD Guidelines for Lawn and Shrub Maintenance

The HUD have issued guidelines for lawn maintenance, as follows:

  • Grass should be cut every two weeks between April and October unless the climate of the area dictates that the grass is cut more frequently. This is indicated by the chart below.

  • Grass should not be cut between November and March unless prior written approval is obtained. In the event that the grass does grow beyond six inches high in the off-season, the mortgagee can request approval for the grass to be cut.

  • The grass and weeds should be cut to a maximum height of two inches.

  • Any grass or weeds around the property line, bushes, trees, fences, flowerbeds and any other constructions should be trimmed.

  • Shrubs should be trimmed between the growing season of the area, which typically runs from April through to October. Shrubs should generally be trimmed once a year. If additional trimming is required, take photographs to document the state of growth and seek appropriate approval.

Oversized yard: If you are asked to produce an estimate for an oversized yard that is larger than 15,000 square feet, ensure that you measure and record the exact dimensions to produce an accurate calculation of the total square footage. Use photographs to document the size and scale of the area.

When you produce a quotation, make sure it includes a separate price for the initial cut, and the subsequent cuts thereafter.

Trim Trees / Shrubs / Vines 

COH-DON upon request expects PLC to maintain trees/shrubs/vines year-round as well as remain in compliance with local ordinance/association standards. Maintenance of the entire property includes the trimming of the shrubs/trees/vines, fence lines and saplings near the foundation, as well as the removal of clippings, dead foliage, and vines on the main dwelling and detached structures. Tree/shrub/vine trimming should be completed in a manner that is consistent with the appropriate levels for the structure and/or local ordinance. 


• Trimming must be completed when affecting the condition or access to the main dwelling, detached structures, fencing, lanai, and/or mechanical equipment. 

• Decoratively prune all shrubs in front viewable areas to appropriate levels for the structure, this includes any side bed if viewable from front or if the property is located on a corner lot. 

• Trim tree branches to a minimum of one (1) foot away from the structure and at least three (3) feet off of the roof. 

• Remove all non-decorative vegetation attached to structure (including hanging vines). 

• Trim all damaged/dead branches. 

• Any resulting debris from the trimming must be removed from the property as a part of the trimming service. The Debris Removal Allowable must not be utilized to remove the resulting trimming debris from the property. 

Tree Removal


On occasion a tree must be removed for safety reasons. When this occurs, PLC must include pricing for removal of the stump and removal of the root system depending on SOW. There may be instances where the COH-DON does not wish to grind the stumps or remove the root systems.  Photos before and after should clearly identify the tree being requested for removal by some sort of marking on the tree (painting, chalk numbers, string, etc.).

Small Tree Removal Cost:

Small trees are those that are about 8 inches in trunk diameter or less, and up to 15 feet tall. They generally can be removed with little to no climbing and no complex rigging. Because of their smaller size these trees can generally be removed by someone with less skill. In this instance, the majority of the work would go to haul off and cleanup rather than the removal itself. 

Medium Tree Removal Cost: 

Medium trees cover a wide array of trees in the urban setting. They are the ones that have been growing in neighborhoods for 10-20 years and may be just starting to outgrow their space or become a nuisance. Medium trees are generally about 10-15 inches trunk diameter and can be up to 25-30 feet tall. Medium trees require more labor and disposal cost than small trees and in some cases require light rigging to safely remove. Cost to remove a medium tree can vary quite a bit depending on size and complexity of the tree removal.  

Large tree removal costs the most for obvious reasons. They often tower high in the skyline and have large branches that extend out over houses and other objects making their removal much more difficult. The cost of large tree removal can be more expensive simply because they require lots of technical rigging to safely bring down branches. As well as the shear volume of debris created. Large tree removal is a hazardous task not suited for the average person. Large trees pose the greatest threat to your home and should be evaluated for safety. If you are considering the cost of large tree removal this would be a good time to have a certified arborist out to your property to evaluate all of your trees. 

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